Richelle's Children's Lit Space

Literary Genre and Elements

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Literary Genre and Elements
Author Focus


Science Fiction
  • Inspires children to become scientists and writers 
  • Based on science fiction and can be used as a springboard for creative thinking, critical thinking, and reinforcement of activities
  • Relates scientific principles and technology and the impacts of technological changes
  • Closely related and connected to social studies
  • Asks the question 'what if?'

           Examples of Science Fiction topics:
              Time travel, alien encounters, farthest reaches of 
              human imagination

              Examples of Science Fiction books:
              Shadow Children Series by Margaret Peterson Haddix
              Star Wars books


      Aka The Falling Action

  • Resolution of a conflict
  • Follows the climax
  • Provides an outcome to the plot

            In the book Among the Free, all the characters setting
            around the table talking about the future government.


  • Turning point in the story when the conflict is the most intense

             In the book Among the Betrayed the the main character
             Nina and the other third children escape the jail they are
             captured in


  • Conversation between people in a literary work
  • Speech of characters in a drama
  • Genre dialouge is when its a debate on an  issue or idea
  • The talking parts of a book

             In the book Knots on a Counting Rope, the grandfather and
             grandson are talking about the story of the grandson's life.